Jo Gabriel releases EP ‘Etherea’ The Magus and The Maiden Crone with fellow artist Mark Sheppard!

Posted in News on September 12, 2011 by Sister Cleophas

‘Etherea’ The Magus and The Maiden Crone EP now available on iTunes! A magical reworking of several songs from Fools and Orphans with an additional 2 tracks. Jo’s cover of Todd Rundgren’s “Hello It’s Me” and “Mothlight”

The Magus and The Maiden Crone is the new working collaboration between Jo Gabriel and the versatile Mark Sheppard. There are several projects in the works for these 2 grand artists…so stay tuned!


Etherea - EP - The Magus and the Maiden Crone

Mike Fazio/orchestramaxfiedlparrish-Crossing of Shadows

Posted in Commentary:Life, Credits/Musicians, miscellaneous songs, News with tags , on January 24, 2011 by Sister Cleophas

Mike Fazio releases a most sacred work of art. Once again, Fazio creates a beautiful world for us to inhabit.

of special note: In memory of Jeff Ladd May 21st 2010.

Please visit Faithstrange and acquaint yourself with some musical mastery.

The Good Sister Blesses You…

Mark Sheppard & Joy Shannon shear brilliance

Posted in Credits/Musicians, film score, miscellaneous songs, News, projects in progress with tags , on January 9, 2011 by Sister Cleophas

The good Sister would like to take a moment out of her daily prayers to speak of musical talents that tap the heavens. Our Joey is very honored to know and have the privilege of working with the great artist Mark Sheppard as well as being graced by the beauty of artist Joy Shannon. Please take a moment and visit their official site where all wonderful projects are on display. The gods would be pleased if you did!

Mark Sheppard is well known from the Cambridge based band The Offering and Joy Shannon and Mark have pushed the boundaries and have started working on eclectic musical projects using varying genres of music. Read about all their news and upcoming projects below.

Blessings, the good Sister Cleophas!!/pages/The-Offering/109848459039933

Ephemera is moving from the Midwest to the coast of Maine

Posted in Commentary:Life, Credits/Musicians, News, projects in progress with tags , , on July 23, 2010 by Sister Cleophas

The Good Sister wants to wish Joey a safe and blessed journey to her new location on the coast of Maine. Lilac House will be the home base for Ephemera, and new music and projects to come. The East Coast welcomes back Jo Gabriel.

behave, the good sister Cleophas

Hunting Down The Ceremony review from Delusions of Adequacy

Posted in Credits/Musicians, Hunting Down The Ceremony 2 Volume Album, miscellaneous songs, Music Reviews, News with tags on July 22, 2010 by Sister Cleophas

On July 21st, Jen – Stratosphere fanzine released her review of Joey’s double album

Hunting Down The Ceremony! Jen wrote a fabulous review, very extensive and flattering. It’s an in depth and colorful picture of what the album’s all about. The good sister is very proud once again, of Joey’s prolific nature.

Here below for all Joey’s fans, is the current review in all it’s glory!

The Unreachable Sky ~ artist’s re-issure 2010 Is now available thru Ephemera

Posted in Credits/Musicians, miscellaneous songs, News, Radio play, The Unreachable Sky with tags , , on July 1, 2010 by Sister Cleophas

Joey has just released her re-issuing of the classic all instrumental album, originally available thru Faithstrange, now exclusively through her own Ephemera. It’s a haunting journey, and as Joey describes it, part of her elemental series, this being her air album. For those of you who have already been fans of this work, or would like to introduce yourself to something very special out of Joey’s repertoire, this album is an elegant, stark and ethereal listen that you won’t regret.

Behave, the good sister Cleophas!

The Unreachable Sky~ re-issue thru Ephemera July 1st release

Posted in Credits/Musicians, film score, miscellaneous songs, News, projects in progress, The Unreachable Sky with tags on June 21, 2010 by Sister Cleophas

Coming soon July 1st, 2010 the re-issuing of The Unreachable Sky. Long since out of print, contains none of the original vocal pieces and adds a few additional instrumental expressions. The good sister is proud to announce the re release of this stark and splendid musical work by Jo~


The Good Sister Cleophas

So Dark The Night~ Trailer for author/friend Cliff Burns new Suspence novel

Posted in Commentary:Life, Credits/Musicians, News with tags , , on June 17, 2010 by Sister Cleophas

New horror thiller by Canadian writer and friend Cliff Burns. Prolific Cliff Burns has just put out another dark and tense horror thriller So Dark The Night Available through Amazon and book stores everywhere!

“I’ve followed Cliff Burn’s career for 25 years and there isn’t a finer horror writer in this country.” – Robert Runte Canadian SF critic and Academic. This is Burn’s artist’s page Beautiful Desolation the trailer for the new novel !

Radio Play for Jo Gabriel. Still relevant after all.

Posted in Credits/Musicians, Fools & Orphans, Island, miscellaneous songs, News, Radio play, The Amber Sessions, The Last Drive In with tags , on June 14, 2010 by Sister Cleophas

Jo is still getting airplay throughout the world.

Gothic Paradise and Radio Inferno,

we say many thanks here at Ephemera.


the good sister cleophas

To The Moon~ friend/Cellist Matt Turner has a new release

Posted in Credits/Musicians, miscellaneous songs, News with tags , , on June 14, 2010 by Sister Cleophas
The good sister would like to congratulate the versatile Cellist Matt Turner on his new release through Ayler Records. Recorded in France, To The Moon features Matt at his best along side clarinetist Marc-Foltz and pianist Bill Carrothers that is more classical in nature than haunting melodies
“This all-improvised session by three of my favorite musicians caught me by surprise the night I first listen to the rough mixes at my friend (and co-producer) Philippe Ghielmetti’s home, while having a glass of wine. On my way back home, I could still hear the tunes that the trio had spontaneously created with this sole plan for the session : “Let’s find some music, somewhere… over the rainbow”. As Jean-Marc Foltz puts it in his liner notes, they went right to the Moon. Meet us there.” ~Stephane Berfand of Ayler Records.

Goodbye Jeff Ladd, the angels have you once again.

Posted in Commentary:Life, News with tags on May 29, 2010 by Sister Cleophas

On May 21st , we lost our very dear friend and musical companion Jeff Ladd, here is the link were M.Fazio has memorialized the man and his work. We will miss him, but know that he is looking upon us from the heavens

I will miss his gentleness and the profound contribution he made to my music with his rapturous heavenly voice. Heavy and Testify are all the more beautiful because of you.

Fly wild now fly free from harm, you’re where you’re supposed to be. We will see you again, for that I am sure.

And this gives me peace when I start to miss you.

Jo Gabriel

When I was beautiful (the production and decay of strange particles)

Posted in Commentary:Life on April 11, 2010 by Sister Cleophas

The good Sister Cleophas instructed me that confession is good for the soul. I believe that to be true. So I’ve decided to share a little personal bit of my recent journey with all of you, my dear friends, fans, fellow musicians and people who might be struggling with similar demons. To rip the mask off myself and let you in on what’s been going on with me for quite a while now.

There was a time when I could walk into a room and hear the whispers of people saying “oh, she’s really beautiful”. I moved freely in my own body, and had a strong sense of my sensual being. Now,  I truly have shame around saying this. But this is significant. I have shame that it matters what I look like, when I’m supposed to know that beauty is something you earn. It comes from within. It is relative. It is sometimes given to you by the way others see you. I am certain that I am beautiful inside.

I am  certain that I am a beautiful person. And I trust that some people still find me attractive in some way.

We’re taught not to value ourselves by how we look, but rather how we act, and the way we treat other people. I’m very inspired by the way I see the smallest beauty in the world. And it shames me to say, that I am not able to see it in myself outwardly. And that how I look should matter so much.

After all, I am not self absorbed to the exclusion of all else or anyone around me who might need comfort or companionship. I am highly empathetic. A great listener. I don’t turn situations into vehicles that become all about me. My narcissism is a very subtle appendage of my being an intuitive artist. So I don’t consider myself to be a flesh eating egotist that devours every moment as if it were food for my ego to be fed.

But I do crave a level of attention. I’d be disingenuous if I said that i didn’t care what people thought of my work, or how I look.This conflicting dichotomy is what I think makes me more optimistically harmless and reflexively unique from being a traditional Narcissist. Everyone is unique. I don’t hold myself up on a false pedestal. I just trust that I am my own person with my own variety of styles and ways of expressing them through my art as well as in my normal waking hours.

Still there is a certain pressure on performing artists, to have a “look” to be evocative, most usually qualified by their physical attributes. I never thought of myself as Drop Dead Gorgeous, or a Siren, but I certainly felt comfortable going out on stage and playing and singing with a sense of security that I had what it took to be noticed and admired.

Now, I have to say that I still love who I am as an artist, as a person, friend, human being.I don’t follow trends. I am totally out of the loop in terms of who’s big in the industry now, or what everyone else is listening to. I live by my instincts, I follow my own path, and if something doesn’t resonate with me, I abandon it. As an artist, part of that legacy is to inhabit the persona that is the most authentic expression of your instincts about yourself and the lens you see the world through.  Then you thrust yourself out there and try and be as unselfconscious as possible. In fact it should come natural to forget yourself all the while you’re being conspicuous. It’s a form of acrobatics, to find the balance.

When I was beautiful, some people would hang on each word, each lyric like I was spouting some musical gospel. People would be moved by my supposed “angelic voice” And they could do so comfortably because my physical appearance fit the role of female recording artist. I do think to a large degree they hold men to a certain standard as well, but for women the standard is set much higher for the female artist  to be beautiful first, and talented second.

In 1996 I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia. It used to be considered an ambiguous disease that mostly women got and had to fight to convince their doctors, friends and family members that they had something they were suffering from. Not to make this comparison as anything nearly close to what women went through in the 1950’s, it wasn’t Francis Farmer having been lobotomized because she was perceived as  hysterical or uppity. But, many of us who first got the disease a decade ago, were considered along the lines of either hypochondria, or hysteria, or mentally unbalanced.

It has been a long fought journey for me since my diagnosis. With many hills and valleys for me to navigate. There were times when it seemed to go into a quieter mode. Where the pain and various symptomology were managable.

I am writing about all this now, because in the past year and a half, I have become so debilitated by this invisible enemy that there are times, I can’t even raise my arms to put on a shirt. I can’t play a chord on the piano because my hands and wrists hurt so much and are so swollen from the inflammation that I can barely manage to pick up a coffee mug to my lips. It seems like i might have dropped off the radar screen of the music world, although I have released a few things during this time. I am a fighter, and so I have to push through. I haven’t been able to perform live. And something far worse has happened lately to me, and has spurred on this soliloquy of my shame.

My metabolism has completely shut down from the enormous pain cycle that I’ve endured over the past year or so. I’ve had two major surgeries and In a small span of time, I have gained so much weight that it’s hard for me to move easily without having to use a cane to walk. The weight gain goes hand in hand with inflammation. It’s a cycle that prohibits me from doing the things that  I used to be able to do. Things that I’m passionate about. Things that need to get done.

And even though Fibromyalgia is taken much more seriously than in the past, there’s the evidence of it just by the myriad of commercials for the pharmaceutical companies, who tell you, you don’t have to lay there and be a pain sissy any more. It has finally been recognizws by the medical establishment.

Still, it’s something that falls under the catagory of ” But you don’t look sick”. The assumption for my weight gain by most people would be that I must not be getting enough physical activity. That I sit on the couch eating crispy cream donuts and gallons of soft drinks and alcohol. And while my dear friends look at me sympathetically trying to understand why i am not as engaged as they would hope, no one can truly understand what it’s like not to remember a day when your entire body didn’t feel like there was a war zone going on inside of you.

For me the pain is this stoic challange that i have to hang in there long enough for someone to come along and find a miracle cure that will find the root source, burn it out and relieve my agony. But, and,  here’s the shame part.

I want to go hide myself away somewhere, because I do not recognize myself when I look in the mirror. I’ve thought of throwing sheets over all of them, as if I were a vampire. When I see myself, I cry. And I feel like I can’t go on this way, because i have lost myself. Somewhere there was a time When I was Beautiful. But that girl is missing.

I think she’s gone and never coming back. Who is going to go out there and sing her songs and play her piano? Obviously this new person, this Quasimodo can’t represent the girl I once was.And I want to be totally clear about one thing. I am not making a value judgement about people’s weight. I am not criticizing individuals who are of a certain size. That’s a very personal thing. I am referring to my own comfortability with my own body image. That’s again, where the shame plays a role in all this.

This invisible enemy that has taken over my body,and virtually changed the landscape of my total being,is interfering with my ability to function as an artist.

I’ve recently shot a live performance video of my song Mothlight from The Amber Sessions at Butch Vig’s historic Smart Studios here in Madison. Because it is closing it’s doors after many years, I was given the opportunity to participate in doing a video playing their amazing grand piano with Matt Turner, friend and world renown improvisational cellist. There is a documentary in the works being filmed currently that will feature a lot of the notable people that made that studio so historic. Nirvana’s Nevermind was recorded there. How could I say NO to performing there.

These days I hide myself away like a hermit in a cave, only coming out for sustenance or necessity.I was conflicted about doing the video because i knew that I would be immortalized for my performance in the current state of self perceived monstrosity.If I looked like Christina Aguilera or Beyoncé, I could chirp out chop sticks on the piano and the world would be thrilled. But I fear that no one will be able to look passed how I have recently metamorphsized into a Kafkaesque creature or my great aunt Edith from Kiev. I would love to release the video. But what ALL I see is how hard it was for me to struggle to reach the octaves because my hands are so painful and swollen. My elbows and wrists stiff with inflammation. And how from the angle that I was filmed  from, I really do look like Chaney Sr’s Phantom of the Opera. Hulking over the keys: bloated face, amorphic body in a black suit that would otherwise be considered androgynous and chic.

If people could keep their eyes closed and listen to the interplay between my piano and Matt’s haunting cello the video would remain a stirring and evocative piece of work. Instead, I fear people will only see ME and think”wow she doesn’t look like she sounds” Where’s the little blond nymph who’s sensuality only synthesized her music and lyrics.

This is why I haven’t pursued playing live shows these days. This is why I haven’t put myself out there in the public domain. This is why perhaps when i’ve submitted recent photos to journalists to use for material to review, they seem to stick with the older promo shots. This shame I feel is perpetual. It has a life of it’s own.

And no matter what i’ve done to combat all this. And believe me I have tried every modality of healing. And I am not a lazy patient. Til recently I was boxing. I find it an art form. I was really good at it too. I was doing Yoga til all my joints seized up on me and I couldn’t even bend or lift or twist or walk. I’ve tried every kind of alternative treatment. I take supplements, filter my water through a special crock. No toxic chemicals in this house. Homeopathy, integrative medicine, Ortho  Molecular treatments etc….

I don’t eat processed food. I eat very well. I don’t drink, smoke or binge on things that can be harmful. I am wheat and gluten free. I’ve done fasts and heavy metal testing. When I say, that I have fought hard. I mean that in the warrior sense. But still, no matter what I do, this illness has decided that I must be willing to allow my body to collapse for now. My body is fighting, and in the process, it has built up a shield in the form of extra poundage because it needs all the energy to fight itself. My body is at war with itself. And I am now a refugee from my former self. I want to come home, but I guess it’s just not time yet. I am in exile.

So what does the creative mind do who want’s to reach outward, trapped in a body that people won’t accept as embraceable? I don’t know the answer to that, and so I cry a little in spurts every day.

I am not a depressed person. I am an angry refugee. I see the joy in the smallest of things, honestly in the smallest detail. And still I cry every day. every day.

When I was beautiful, I moved so easily in my own skin. My life, the value of my work should be about the authenticity that I bring to my art. I’ve watched the video a few times now. And all I see is Quasimodo and The Phantom of the Opera. I want to share my music with all of you, and yet the shame is holding me hostage. I am at the mercy of the pain cycle. I am the so called Hyper Sensitive Person who suffers from Nerve damage because I take everything in so deep that it manifests on a physical level. I’m wearing a pain suit. I’m growing like Allyson Hayes in the 50 Foot Woman. And until they figure out how to help me jump start my metabolism again, so that when I work out, and when I eat well, and when I do all the right things for myself. It will count for something, and I’ll be that little blond girl again, who seems to move like liquid or skip like a child, who’s nerves are not in chaos.

I hope this explains a little bit of why I’m not always on the radar screen. And maybe give some of you an understanding of what it’s like to feel so deathly ill, when everyone else just thinks your lazy or doing something to cause your poor health. That it’s not in your head, Or something you can just change by doing xy and z. And that for particular people in the public’s eye, can’t always be beautiful on cue.

I really want to love myself again in total. I really want to release that performance I did the other week.

I just have to figure out how to muster up the courage to be proud of who I am as an artist, and stop looking through the lens of shame.

*the production and decay of strange particles” comes from a title episode of The Outer Limits

Delusions of Adequacy interview with Jo Gabriel by Jen Stratosphere Fanzine

Posted in Cats&Film, Commentary:Life, Credits/Musicians, film score, Film&Cats, Fools & Orphans, Hunting Down The Ceremony 2 Volume Album, interviews, Island, miscellaneous songs, Music Reviews, News, projects in progress, The Amber Sessions, The Last Drive In, The Unreachable Sky with tags on March 30, 2010 by Sister Cleophas

Jo’s very personal interview with Jen Delaney of Stratosphere Fanzine and Delusions of Adequacy was released today! It’s probably the most telling expose/interview yet. The good sister hopes you spend a little time with our little joey, getting to know her a little better.

We thank Jen for all the time and effort she put into this interview.

Be good brothers and sisters

The Good Sister Cleophas

Jo’s got a new Live performance video with Matt Turner on cello at the historic Smart Studio

Posted in Cats&Film, Credits/Musicians, News, projects in progress, The Amber Sessions with tags , on March 29, 2010 by Sister Cleophas

Joey just finished a live performance video with the incredible Matt Turner on Cello. She decided to do a version of Mothlight off her 2007 album The Amber Sessions.

It was an absolute honor to be able to play amongst the ghostly atmosphere that remains at Butch Vig’s Smart Studio, known notable for having the album from Nirvana’s Nevermind as well as Smashing Pumpkins and Depeche Mode having recorded there.

The video should be ready soon for viewing.

Special thanks go out to Mike Zirkel and Wendy Schneider for shooting the footage of our performance.

Jo thinks it resembles an upper east side salon setting, in Ira Levin’s living room.

Matt Turner was exceptional as always. Even with Joey’s back turned to him, the vibes were pulsing through and magically blended two instruments into  sonic  poetry.

orchestramaxfieldparrish’s dreamy AERA visually stunning

Posted in Commentary:Life, Credits/Musicians, film score, miscellaneous songs, News with tags , on March 1, 2010 by Sister Cleophas

The  Good Sister wanted to share with some of Joey’s fans the beautifully evocative work of orchestramaxfieldparrish and the genius behind the ongoing project. Mike Fazio sets his dreamy sound work upon a visual landscape. Stunning!

Well Done Brother Fazio

In My Head, She Said. launching of a website for interesting women of all types!

Posted in Cats&Film, Commentary:Life, Credits/Musicians, Essays, film score, Film&Cats, interviews, miscellaneous songs, News, projects in progress with tags , , , , on February 21, 2010 by Sister Cleophas

This fantastic project underway is looking for submissions by creative women of all genres to add their input and speak their mind. It’s an alternative way for diverse women to express themselves. Featuring very notable women and promises to be a very engaging project for all participants and readers alike.

Visit the website and submit your own person thoughts ~I’ve already given some of my input!

Cheers from Joey

Sister Cleophas says, this time you don’t have to behave!

Documentary Film under way by friend/musician/legendary engineer and film maker Wendy Schneider

Posted in Commentary:Life, Credits/Musicians, film score, interviews, miscellaneous songs, News, projects in progress, Uncategorized with tags , , on February 21, 2010 by Sister Cleophas

The land mark Smart Studios is closing here in Madison. Wendy Schneider is under way with her project highlighting the journey of the iconic studio and it’s historic musical contributions here in Madison.

The good sister wishes Ms Schneider all the energy and insight in putting this profoundly important documentary together.

Sister Cleophas

Available now! “Hunting Down The Ceremony” 2 Volume retrospective Jo Gabriel

Posted in Cats&Film, Credits/Musicians, film score, Hunting Down The Ceremony 2 Volume Album, miscellaneous songs, News with tags on February 15, 2010 by Sister Cleophas

The good Sister is elated to announce the official release day of Hunting Down The Ceremony. Joey’s 2 Volume retrospective album of rare, out of print, and miscellaneous songs. Be a devout fan and worship Joey’s prolific little heart.

Bless You

Sister Cleophas

Coming February 15, 2010 Jo Gabriel’s 2 Volume Album “Hunting Down The Ceremony”

Posted in Credits/Musicians, film score, miscellaneous songs, News, projects in progress, Uncategorized with tags , on January 23, 2010 by Sister Cleophas

The good Sister’s joy is salient at the news of Jo’s long awaited double album 2 Volume set Hunting Down The Ceremony which is officially due to be released on February 15th through Ephemera.

Salutations and Libations are in order! For those of you who are not anticipating with glee over this news, you will be damned to hell fire for all eternity.

Have a nice day : Sister Cleophas

Purchase TrakWerx Collective LightWerx George Melie

Posted in Cats&Film, Commentary:Life, Credits/Musicians, film score, Film&Cats, miscellaneous songs, News with tags on January 1, 2010 by Sister Cleophas

Various Trakwerx Releases! 2009 featuring The Trakwerx Collective & Jo Gabriel

Posted in Cats&Film, Commentary:Life, Credits/Musicians, film score, miscellaneous songs, News with tags , , , , , , , on December 11, 2009 by Sister Cleophas

The good sister Cleophas would like to announce that~
Trakwerx has updated their myspace page to include some of the material recorded for our Melies Project as well as a new photo collage with all 5 of the new Trakwerx releases
Lightwerx: Melies DVD- Featuring our lovely Joey opening with The Conjuror and Gods of Electricity!

Lightwerx: Tarzan DVD

Lightwerx: The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari DVD

17 Pygmies: The Outlaw J.D. Ray

Smoldering Ashes: Songs in the Key of Mountain Birds Blue

Ascension Magazine reviews Fools and Orphans issue #21 Summer 2009

Posted in Fools & Orphans, Music Reviews, News with tags on December 2, 2009 by Sister Cleophas

03. orchestramaxfieldparrish presents ÆRA: To The Last Man / Index of Dreaming (Faith Strange)

Posted in miscellaneous songs, Music Reviews, News with tags on December 2, 2009 by Sister Cleophas

One of Textura’s Top Albums of 2009 Bravo to fellow artist and friend Mike Fazio/orchestramaxfieldparrish

Local Sounds Magazine review of Fools and Orphans by Rick Tvedt

Posted in Cats&Film, Commentary:Life, Credits/Musicians, Fools & Orphans, Island, Music Reviews, projects in progress with tags on December 2, 2009 by Sister Cleophas

Hunting Down The Ceremony Winter 2010 release!

Posted in Commentary:Life, Credits/Musicians, film score, Film&Cats, miscellaneous songs, News, projects in progress with tags on November 16, 2009 by Sister Cleophas

The master is finished! The art is in the works. Chris at Sooper Dooper is just waiting on Joey to drop off the goods! Double album old style cardboard sleeves.


Found reviews of Fools and Orphans Prikosnovenie & Elektrauma

Posted in Credits/Musicians, Fools & Orphans, Music Reviews, News with tags on November 15, 2009 by Sister Cleophas


(albums d’autres labels indépendants et/ou étrangers distribués par Prikosnovénie)

An angelic voice acute arises on a piano rather dramatic orchestrations of cello. Jo Gabriel is a songwriter in the tradition of Louisa John-Krol and Kate Bush

in German

As best I can get close to from Babble Fish!
There it is, completely unpretentiously, sits before its piano. And then it catches to sing on – no, it does not sing, it dips into another world. Which Jo Gabriel, one of the many talentierten, but nearly surveyed Singer more /Songwriter of America of their piano at warm and entrückten tones takes out, borders already on a small miracle. And then is there still Jo Gabriel, which up-loads itself completely the music given and their voice with so much feeling and emotion, as it is heard only rarely. The fact that the comparison with Kate Bush, Joanna Newsom or also Laura Nyro is there also fast set cannot be excluded there. But Jo feels honoured with such female star to be compared. On „Fools and Orphans “anyhow, Gabriels of second outputs on Kalinkaland records, are these marvelous dream melodies, which remind magnificent album perhaps still far away of Chandeens „Echoes “. But one notices the American impact with Jo Gabriel simply clearly, which is not at all negatively meant. Already „OF Love and Ether “comes with unbelievably voluminösen Pianolinien, which complement each other perfectly with the voice of Jo. Sometimes it creates it, as with „Vacant Little Stare “, with its Kieksern and stimmlichen estimates a träumerische, nearly already entrückte atmosphere to create. Here simply everything is correct, from first to the last note. Jo Gabriel is whole with itself, and one hears. And that is simply only indescribably beautiful.


Fools and Orphans makes Organ Magazine’s top 50 albums of 2008!

Posted in Credits/Musicians, Fools & Orphans, Music Reviews, News, Radio play with tags on November 15, 2009 by Sister Cleophas














Kim Harten from Bliss Aquamarine reviews Fools and Orphans!

Posted in Uncategorized on November 15, 2009 by Sister Cleophas

Coming December 2009 17 Pygmies tribute Lightwerx: Georges Méliès DVD to the great George Melies

Posted in Credits/Musicians, film score, News, projects in progress, The Amber Sessions with tags on November 15, 2009 by Sister Cleophas

This is a sneak peak at the 17 Pygmies compilation tribute film to the ground breaking film maker George Melies featuring various artists doing their own score to several of Melies short films. I contributed Summoning off my album The Amber Sessions for The Conjuror. Here is a limited peep at what lies ahead.

This promises to be a great artistic project indeed!

Jo Gabriel hits Student Radio.Org

Posted in Uncategorized on November 9, 2009 by Sister Cleophas




